Covid’s Impact on International Shipping

Covid’s Impact on International Shipping

Since its 2020 outbreak, COVID-19 has severely impacted our daily lives. The shipping industry was not spared, and it’s had to face tough circumstances as the workforce got shut down to prevent further spreading of the coronavirus. Countries started imposing bans on...
2021 USPS International Price Group Changes

2021 USPS International Price Group Changes

The U.S Postal Service uses Country Price Groups to determine the shipping rate for international parcels. Each country is assigned to a Country Price Group, and these groups can also vary by USPS mailing service and package type. In January 2021, the USPS will be...
EU and UK Making Changes to VAT on Parcel Imports

EU and UK Making Changes to VAT on Parcel Imports

Much like Australia did a few years ago, the UK and EU are looking to implement a similar registration-based system that puts more onus on the seller or marketplace to capture VAT and end collections at the door. Also, the new changes puts more pressure on low value...